The Challenges

Today’s urban and regional development challenges are diverse and urgently need to be addressed, from absorbing immigration flows and the sustainable mobility of people and freight, to security and cybersecurity in all the related critical infrastructures, even as security concerns grow.

The Hague Policy Group aims at analyzing and bringing to resolution key questions of policy, developing strategies to address these issues, and supporting the responsible agencies to implement the strategies and deliver the services needed in an integrated change management program.

The social and economic development of nations depends on defining the right development paradigms, including spatial development of their cities, the logistic profile of ports and hinterland, and the role of national, regional and local government in the development process.

Government agencies need to address these critical public policy issues, develop their strategies, deliver the programs and services, and market and communicate these to relevant target groups. This requires a process of analysis, development op options, and decision making. Implementation often triggers the need for institutional change management: the designation of potentially new functions, tasks and authorities and the design of programs to manage investments and mitigate the risks.
Crucially the programs and projects need to be financed. The development of the programs to define bankable projects requires the development of a public finance framework and enabling sector policies to make public infrastructure projects feasible and bankable.

These are the challenges that The Hague Policy Group is ready to address and support government and private sector leadership in achieving their objectives.